1st Afrika




Challenges of Life (1)

 By Gabriel Agbo    

PASTOR AGBONobody is immune to challenges of life. The godly, ungodly, the black, the white, young and old, everybody goes through them. And they come in various forms and levels.  Mine may be different from yours. Sometimes they come one after the other. Other times, in droves, in chains or in quick succession and can be overwhelming. No matter how they come, the truth remains that they are never palatable. They come to task your faith, your endurance, your focus, your ability to adapt and advance, your courage, integrity, spirituality, and sometimes, can actually threaten your very existence. But, what determines whether you will become a victor, a victim or a loser in these issues of life remains on how you respond to them.

 So, we will be discussing on how to deal with these challenges using divine instruments and strategies.  Now, let’s start with this great man called Jehoshaphat.  He is one of my heroes in the bible. When he was king the of Israel, three nations came against his country. Messengers ran to him and told him that these enemies, well-armed, were already very close; fully prepared to overrun Judah. Real and imminent danger!

 Now, before we discuss how Jehoshaphat responded to this great threat, let’s first of all briefly see who these enemies were. They were Moabites, Ammonites and Meunites; that is the Edomites. The first two are the descendants of Lot and the last descendants of Esau. Now, you already know that these were relations of Israel. And if you remember God had warned the Israelites, as they were marching to the Promised Land not to touch or harass them because they were their relations. But, look at what is happening here. The same relations that have been favored in the past now have decided to come against their own. Betrayal! That is the world for you.

 Sometimes, your enemies come from the unexpected quarters. From the same people you have helped in the past. From the people you trust and love. From your close ones; friends, relations, colleagues, associate, etc. And this kind is the most dangerous of enemies because they already know your strengths and weaknesses. They know where and when to best attack and destroy you. True!

 Are you facing this kind of challenge today? Know that It is not new or peculiar to you. Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were there. Others have also been there before you, and I want you to know that you will come out victorious in Jesus’ name! Yes, I’m not saying that the threat is not real. It is! But God will use this particular situation to show you that He is the Master of all situations. He will rescue you from this present trouble. You will surely see it. Let’s just read this from the bible, “After this, the armies of Moabites, Ammonites, and some of the Meunites declared war on Jehoshaphat. Messengers came and told Jehoshaphat, ‘A vast army from Edom is marching against you from beyond the dead sea. They are already in Hazazon-tamar.” 2 Chronicles 20:1-2.

 Yes, like they marched against Jehoshaphat, they are today marching against you. They come with some known and unknown plans. But don’t panic. Your God will definitely show up. He is still that indefatigable Field Marshal. Praise God! There is no enemy that He cannot destabilize. Yes, the bible said that they will gather in one way (united), but will soon scatter in seven (that is, in confusion, fear, in agony, regret, disappointment, disarray and defeat). True! Stand firm! We will continue next week, God bless!

 Rev Agbo is the author of the book Power of Midnight Prayer and a minister with the Assemblies of God Nigeria. www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo E-mail: [email protected]


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