1st Afrika



written by ‘ JIDE ADESINA


Boko Haram: Nigeria
Genocide Danger is Real, 
Impending – Serious Plot to Engage in Mass Killing Now Ripe, creating a state of caliphate is treasonous and endangers Nigeria as a whole• 

The making of ISIS in Nigeria Boko Haram  Genocide ; A nation at war within

“The onslaughts  and popularity of Nigeria terrorist group is taking  rambunctious turn  as Boko Haram tragedies affect  systemic hampering of the co-existence of Nigeria. The future of Nigeria took on a new twist today as we are presented with Rwandan style genocide in Nigeria”. 

Boko haram  recent killings in Nigeria are incontrovertible likelihood evidence and resemblance of the  warning then to  the United Nations of the impending Hutu genocide against the Tutsi minority, months before an estimated one million Rwandans were slaughtered, the “Nigerian genocide”  A warning that must be take seriously by United Nations  and friends of Nigeria especially the  UK , USA and Canada.

chilbok  1

“These are weighty words. Our country is surely at war. God will destroy the plots of the wicked no matter who they are and frustrate their plans for our country. God save Nigeria.” while reasonably concerned about the credibility of the “information”, as the allegations and warning are devoid of evidence that could help to thwart an impending genocide, if at all one was, planned are nevertheless equally concerned in the light of a 2009 Journal of African Conflict and Peace Studies article and 1998 New York Times report about Rwanda genocide early warnings being ignored by the United Nations, The US Government and the British Governement.

The Journal, in November 2009 (Volume 1, Number 2, September 2009, pp. 6 — 25), pubished an article which noted:

“Early warnings of the Rwandan genocide were ignored because policy makers perceived it as a ‘civil war,’ denied the facts, and decided not to intervene, preventing  US and UN lawyers from calling the killing “genocide.” Early reinforcement of UNAMIR could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, but “group-think” precluded consideration of direct military intervention by the US and allied forces, though they were near Rwanda and rescued their own nationals. Unwilling to financially and militarily support a reinforced UNAMIR, the U.S., U.K. and U.N. Security Council ordered UNAMIR to leave Rwanda, because they did not consider Rwandan lives worth saving at the risk of their own troops.”

Back in March 1998, the New York Times reported:  “When President Clinton confessed today that ”people like me” failed to see the storm of mass killings that swept Rwanda in 1994, he acknowledged a bitter truth for the first time. The Clinton Administration ignored powerful warnings of impending genocide, including a Central Intelligence Agency study saying half a million people could die if Rwanda exploded, former Administration officials and human rights experts said today.

”Never again must we be shy in the face of the evidence,” Mr. Clinton said.

But even when it was clear that hundreds of thousands of Rwandan civilians were in mortal danger, the United States stopped the United Nations from taking action that might have saved those lives, the critics of the Administration’s policy said.”

Danger Imminent

If the likes of ex-Nigeria military leaders likes of  Gen . Gowon , Obasanjo, IBB and others do not intervene and take critical steps in using their wealth of experience of civil war and military might , Nigeria may not survive another civil war especially when religion and ethnic sentiments are involved

Abiola Mko


“THIS DANGER IS IMMINENT! Take me seriously, I am not a man that is just shouting “wolves” for nothing or seeking attention. No. I am a patriotic Nigerian, a concerned citizen who is blessed by God to call my generation to reality of today’s consciousness

“The bombing of Kano, Borno Kaduna  and Jos is not unknown to Jonathan’s men in the Armed Forces. I said it before that the kidnap of the girls was not unknown to some elements in Jonathan’s administration. Even Chief Tony Anenih said in his 3 page statement that Boko Haram are Nigerians, so the government has to be careful in how to respond to them. How does that compare to President Jonathan’s statement that Boko Haram is no longer an insurgency but international terrorism because the group is now affiliated with al Qaeda?”

The Campaign for Democracy during the heady days of the Abacha regime battled to restore the annulled mandated of the presumptive winner  Late Chief M.K. O Abiola of what is now known as the June 12 crisis. It had among its ranks the likes of Dr. Beko ransome-Kuti, Alhaja Kudirat Abiola and other prominent activists.

Within the next few weeks, large scale killing of Nigerians which might affect particular ethnic group/s in Nigeria is highly likely to occur. It is the mother of the saddest news Nigerians ever heard that I have been warning about for the past 180 days.


MEND – the group headed by a man called Asari Dokubo, who is supporting Jonathan’s administration fanatically is involved in this plot. His group has been given large sums of money, logistics and other supports by some elements in the PDP. At the same time, Boko Haram elements have been given huge sums of money, logistic support and unbelievable amounts of highly sophisticated military weapons and ammunition to carry out large scale violence in the country intermittently but consistently. They are ready to unleash the worse attack on Nigeria in the next few weeks.

In most of my articles on Borko Haram and terrorist activities in Nigeria, I wrote and warned the government of deprivation of social needs and lack of education in certain parts of the country with poverty which is highly contributed to these terrorists to gained the minds of average Nigerians

I wrote on my article on Nation on the edge on how  Gen. Babangida had taken World Bank loan through the back door and after fooling Nigerians to get into the debate of whether or not to accept IMF loan in 1985/86. Nigerians did not take it  seriously ; his Structural Adjustments Program which included the devaluation of the Naira was to appease the World Bank. I reported the danger and how  Col. Yohana Madaki will be disgraced out the army because of his radical and historical war against the Northern Feudal Lords and for deposing the former Emir of Muri . As a country we all witness the dark days during the military era especially how Gen. Babangida annulled  the June `12, 1993 presidential election and killed Chief M.K.O.  because some “powerful” people in Nigeria including serving generals have vowed to destroy the country if he was ever allowed into office. please go and read my article on  Nigeria a nation on the edge to have a full chronicle of systemic mal-adaministration , corruption and the making of militia and terrorist In Nigeria

Chibok montage

What can Nigerians and the world do about this?


Various interest groups in Nigeria should pressure Jonathan’s government to look within and stop his men from plotting to destroy Nigeria in their maddening fight against the oppositions and human right activist. Jonathan’s administration is full of unpatriotic people who want power by all means and are ready to do anything to keep power at all costs. They are not ready to back down and are hell bent on fighting the most ruthless war against  Nigerian people. The recent killings and increase in violence is government induced suffering and pain on the country. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is fact!

On the other hand, the oppositions are conspiring to help build tension in his government by engaging in sabotage. The president of Nigeria is confused and clueless. He may not even be sure what is happening and who is or is not on his side. This has become a serious fiasco for him. Nigeria government need to take a full military operations and conscientious effort on community policing while seriously expunge all political judas and traitors from the government .

These elements in  both ruling parties, the Peoples Democratic Party  and All Progressive  Congress APC  now see Boko Haram as their best bet to fight Nigerians and still use them to call for protection from the West. So far, they have succeeded in doing this. on my radar , The Afrika Herald suggests UN Sec. Mr.Ban should send intelligent operatives and call for Nato Army to help Nigeria government in fighting these terrorists called Boko Haram

The United States of America, France and Britain need to be very careful in assisting this government to perpetrate the worst genocide against its own people in the name of fighting terror. These governments should investigate our allegation and use their own intelligence to uncover this plot. I trust that they are capable of uncovering this plot if they’ve not already have intelligence report on the activities of some elements in Jonathan’s administration and even the opposition party – APC who are actively participating in the minimal genocide that the world is witnessing daily in Nigeria.


Also, I make bold to say that some African leaders already know about this plot and have already taken sides in the matter.

My call to all Nigeria ex -military leaders  is to not just sit there and fold their arms. All pressure groups should get involved on a daily basis to pressure politicians, the army and the international communities; and mobilize Nigerians to reject the suggestion to dismember Nigeria in a violent way. Nigerians should reject any attempt by any political party or group/s to bamboozle them into participating in killing their fellow citizens.


Let it be on record today, August 28, 2014, that I made my statement to Nigerians and the whole world about the plot to carry out genocide of unprecedented proportion in Nigeria and that the plot was planned largely by elements in Government in Nigeria

If this is allowed to happen, it would be the saddest news Nigerians ever hear. Its impact would shake most West African countries in particular and majority of African countries and the world in general.

I have spoken. God Bless Nigerians and God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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