1st Afrika

Commissioning of Phase II data Collection To Documentation of Women’s Experiences With Food Security In 6 Counties

His Excellency Retired President Daniel Arap Moi meets the AWSC research team on their way to Elgeyo Marakwet where he gave his views in regard to food security, youth & leadership. On the far left is the research team leader Dr Margaret Jesang Hutchinson

The African Women’s Studies Centre under the food security project “Zero Tolerance to Hunger” has embarked on phase II of data collection to document women’s experiences in food security; specifically to gather information on women’s knowledge, experiences, attitudes, perceptions and practices in relation to food insecurity. Research teams have been commissioned to 6 Counties (Kirinyaga, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kisumu, Bungoma, Kwale and Kisii).


The excercise is being undertaken from June11-15, 2013.




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