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Women's World

Nearly One In Four Adolescent Girls Experience Physical Violence // Près D’un Quart Des Adolescentes Subissent Des Violences Physiques


Almost one quarter of girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide are victims of some form of physical violence, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The agency reports that globally, nearly half of adolescents girls believe a man is justified in beating his wife under certain circumstances such as refusing to have sex or leaving the house without permission.The UN says this mindset needs to change.
On this year’s International Day of the Girl Child, UNICEF and its partners are calling to empower adolescent girls and end the cycle of violence.
During an event at UN Headquarters, Canadian Minister of Status of Women Kellie Leitch explained the importance of marking this event.
” International Day of the Girl is important because it shines a light on the need to recognize girls’ rights, including the right to live free of violence. The goal of this day is to improve the lives of girls around the world by promoting equal opportunity and treatments in areas such as law, nutrition, healthcare, education, training, as well as freedom from violence and abuse.”
UNICEF is also pointing to specific actions to prevent violence against girls, including keeping them in school.
The agency adds that the problem is global, but the solutions must be found at the national, community and family level.
Stephanie Coutrix, United Nations.



Almost one quarter of girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide are victims of some form of physical violence, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The agency reports that globally, nearly half of adolescents girls believe a man is justified in beating his wife under certain circumstances such as refusing to have sex or leaving the house without permission.The UN says this mindset needs to change.
On this year’s International Day of the Girl Child, UNICEF and its partners are calling to empower adolescent girls and end the cycle of violence.
During an event at UN Headquarters, Canadian Minister of Status of Women Kellie Leitch explained the importance of marking this event.
” International Day of the Girl is important because it shines a light on the need to recognize girls’ rights, including the right to live free of violence. The goal of this day is to improve the lives of girls around the world by promoting equal opportunity and treatments in areas such as law, nutrition, healthcare, education, training, as well as freedom from violence and abuse.”
UNICEF is also pointing to specific actions to prevent violence against girls, including keeping them in school.
The agency adds that the problem is global, but the solutions must be found at the national, community and family level.


Près d’un quart des filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans dans le monde sont victimes d’une certaine forme de violence physique, selon le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF).
L’agence rapporte que, globalement, près de la moitié des adolescents filles croient un homme le droit de battre sa femme dans certaines circonstances telles que le refus d’avoir des relations sexuelles ou de quitter la maison sans permission.The ONU affirme cet état d’esprit doit changer.
Lors de la Journée internationale de l’enfant fille de cette année, l’UNICEF et ses partenaires appellent à autonomiser les adolescentes et mettre fin au cycle de la violence.
Lors d’un événement au siège de l’ONU, le ministre canadien de la Condition féminine Kellie Leitch a expliqué l’importance de marquer cet événement.
«Journée internationale des filles est importante car elle met en lumière la nécessité de reconnaître les droits des filles, y compris le droit de vivre sans violence. Le but de cette journée est d’améliorer la vie des filles à travers le monde par la promotion de l’égalité des chances et des traitements dans des domaines tels que le droit, la nutrition, la santé, l’éducation, la formation, ainsi que l’absence de violence et d’abus ».
L’UNICEF est également pointée à des actions spécifiques pour prévenir la violence contre les filles, y compris les garder à l’école.
L’agence ajoute que le problème est mondial, mais les solutions doivent être trouvées aux niveaux national, communautaire et familiale.
Stephanie Coutrix, Organisation des Nations Unies.

By :Stephanie Coutrix, United Nations.

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