1st Afrika

The Ultimate Guide To Africa’s 10 Best Contemporary Art Galleries // Le Guide Ultime 10 Best Contemporary Art Galeries De l’Afrique

The contemporary art scene in Africa is dynamic and diverse, teeming with extraordinary talented and passionate artists using their work to reflect the continent’s cultural diversity, natural beauty and long history. Although formal exhibition spaces remain limited in many African countries, there are a growing number of exceptional independent art galleries across the continent promoting and exhibiting the best of African contemporary art. We explore ten of these galleries and offer a unique Special Offer promotion from one of the best galleries in Uganda.

Afriart Gallery, Kampala, Uganda

A leading contemporary art gallery in the East African country of Uganda, the Afriart Galleryexhibits an exquisite selection of Ugandan and African art. Representing both well-established and rising artists, the gallery’s interior is filled with beautiful paintings and sculptures and has featured well-known local artists such as Edison Mugalu and Paulo Akiiki. Regularly exhibiting the artwork of different artists, Afriart has become a focal point amongst the artistic community in Kampala’s budding art scene. The gallery also provides art consulting services and runs a craft shop selling art books, ceramics, statues, traditional fabrics, locally designed clothes and recycled glassware. Housed in a conspicuous red double-storey building, the Afriart Gallery is hard to miss.

Special Offer: The Culture Trip readers can enjoy a 5% discount on artworks from Afriart Gallery (see examples of artworks above).

To claim this Special Offer email here with the subject ‘Afriart Gallery’ and with your name in the body of the email and we will send a unique promotional code which can be redeemed by Afriart Gallery.

Afriart Gallery, Block 56, Kenneth Dale Drive, Kampala, Uganda, (+256) 0414375455

Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa

The Goodman Gallery is at the forefront of contemporary art in South Africa, showcasing prominent artists and up-and-coming creative talents from South Africa and the rest of the African continent, as well as international artists who portray the African context through their artwork. With an ethos of developing artistic talent and cultural consciousness, the gallery focuses on artwork reflecting South Africa’s socio-political issues. Since its inception in 1966, the gallery has stood fast by its principles and encouraged all artists to showcase their work despite the stringent race laws during the apartheid era. Today the gallery represents about 40 South African and African artists including William Kentridge, conceptual artist Kendell Geers and photographer David Goldblatt.

Goodman Gallery, 163 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, Johannesburg, South Africa, (+27) 11 788 1113; Fairweather House (3rd Floor), 176 Sir Lowry Rd, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa, (+27) 21 462 7573

First Floor Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe

The First Floor Gallery Harare is the first independent contemporary gallery run by emerging artists in Zimbabwe. Founded in 2009, the gallery is situated in Harare’s busy inner city centre. Showcasing the artwork of rising and promising contemporary Zimbabwean artists, the gallery supports their professional development by growing their exposure across local and international audiences, facilitating art workshops and classes, and serving as an interactive experimental space. The First Floor Gallery hosts a number of interesting exhibitions throughout the year featuring local artists such as Moffat Takadiwa, Wycliffe Mundopa and Mavis Tauzeni, and over the past few years has become an important venue for fine arts, film, poetry and music events.

First Floor Gallery, Mercury House, 24 George Silundika Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe, (+263) 4 251 502

Banana Hill Art Gallery, Nairobi, Kenya

A true art gem situated on the outskirts of Nairobi, the Banana Hill Art Gallery exhibits a superb selection of beautiful African contemporary artwork and has showcased over 70 artists and sculptors principally from Kenya and East Africa.The gallery displays a variety of stunning and vibrant paintings and a few sculptures illustrating a range of subjects, uniquely captured through each artist’s personal interpretation reflecting day-to-day life in cities and rural areas, abstract art, cultural traditions, and Kenya’s rich wildlife and landscapes. Founded by Shine Tani, a brilliant artist himself, the gallery’s vision is to bring exposure to African artists and promote art appreciation in the region.

Banana Hill Art Gallery, Banana Raini Road, Nairobi, Kenya, (+254) 711 756 911

Zoma Contemporary Art Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Created by one of Ethiopia’s most original and active artists, Elias Sime, the Zoma Contemporary Art Centre (ZCAC) seeks to promote multidisciplinary contemporary art, facilitate international exchange between artists, and inculcate a culture of environmentally conscious art projects in Ethiopia. Listed by the New York Times as one of the top places to visit in 2014, the ZCAC is situated in an extraordinary house made from mud, straw and stone, designed and sculpted by Sime, representing the centre’s philosophy of driving environmental sustainability through art. Regular exhibitions are held in the centre’s showroom, and there is an open studio for visiting artists. In collaboration with partner institutions, the ZCAC also runs artist-in-residence and education programmes, and has a second location in a small historic village called Harla.

ZCAC, P.O.Box 6050, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (+251) 91 124 9374

Omenka Gallery, Lagos, Nigeria

A leading contemporary art gallery in Nigeria, Omenka Gallery showcases the work of emerging and acclaimed Nigerian and international artists, and houses one of the most comprehensive collection of the renowned Nigerian painter and sculptor Ben Enwounwu. Hosting solo exhibitions, group shows and large, themed exhibitions, Omenka also participates in a number of international art fairs, runs an active publications programme and facilitates workshops to encourage critical dialogue on and promote the development of, contemporary art in the country and the continent at large. Omenka regularly collaborates with international artists such as South African photographer Cedric Nunn, Angolan artist Manuela Sambo and London-born Ransome Stanley, to create a culture of experimentation and creative exchange between local and international artists.

Omenka Gallery, 24 Ikoyi (Modupe Alakija) Crescent, Lagos, Nigeria, (+234) 1 818 45 53331

Eureka Galerie, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Situated in the Ivory Coast’s tropical bustling capital city, the Eureka Galerie is an outstanding gallery devoted to the discovering, sharing and growing of appreciation of African contemporary art in Ivory Coast and the surrounding region. From paintings, wooden and bronze sculptures and carvings, to antique masks, traditional fabrics and textiles, the gallery spotlights a delightful collection of art pieces in its warm, earth-toned interior. The Eureka gallery has displayed the artwork of groundbreaking African artists such as the Ghanaian painters Gabriel Eklou and Samkobee, Ivorian artists Salif Diabagaté and Djédjé Mel, as well as a few international artists such as French painter Jean Claude Heinen.

Eureka Galerie, Rue Marconi, Zone 4C, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, (+225) 21 35 08 08

Galerie El Marsa, La Marsa, Tunisia

Galerie El Marsa is dedicated to representing current trends and developing the potential of contemporary artists in Arab countries, with a particular focus on artists from Tunisia and the North African region. The gallery takes pride in supporting artists who have made an exceptional impact on the contemporary art scene in North Africa, and features art pieces that illustrate the region’s historical and cultural diversity, shared history, and Mediterranean, Arab and African influences. El Marsa has also enhanced its worldwide reputation by participating in international art fairs in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Paris, Marrakech and Miami, amongst others. Located along the Mediterranean coast in El Marsa’s historic and artistic neighbourhood, the gallery is situated in an idyllic setting next to the shoreline, and is definitely worth a visit.

Galerie El Marsa, 2 Place du Saf Saf, 2070, La Marsa, Tunisia, (+216) 71 74 05 72

Zamalek Art Gallery, Cairo, Egypt

Specialising in the promotion of Egyptian contemporary art, the Zamalek Art Gallery hosts a series of exciting monthly exhibitions featuring recognised and emerging young artists fromEgypt. The gallery also houses a permanent collection of artwork from more than 20 prominent Egyptian artists such as painters Gazbia Sirry and Farouk Hosny, and the late sculptor and all-round artist Gamal El Sagini. All the artwork is elegantly presented in the gallery’s spacious interior made up of spotless white walls, gleaming wooden floors and arched doorways. Privately owned, the gallery is nestled in the heart of Cairo’s cosmopolitan suburb where most of the city’s cultural events take place.

Zamalek Art Gallery, 11 Brazil Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, (+202) 2 735 1240

Matisse Art Gallery, Marrakech, Morocco

One of the oldest and most sophisticated contemporary art galleries in Marrakech, theMatisse Art Gallery exhibits the work of up-and-coming and well-known Moroccan artists such as painters Farid Belkahia and Hassan El Glaoui, and calligrapher Noureddine Daifallah. More recently, the gallery opened its doors to international artists to appeal to its growing worldwide clientele, and has exhibited the artwork of a number of international famous 20th century contemporary artists. The gallery regularly publishes catalogues and artist monographs and is actively involved in supporting young Moroccan artists and increasing public appreciation of Morocco’s art scene. Housed in an impressive building made out of polished black marble, the classy gallery also runs an art library open to all visitors.

Matisse Gallery, 61 Rue Yougoslavie, Passage Ghandouri, Marrakech, Morocco, (+212) 524 448 326

Matisse Art Gallery
© Matisse Art Gallery



Le Guide ultime 10 Best Contemporary Art Galeries de l’Afrique
La scène artistique contemporaine en Afrique est dynamique et diversifiée, regorgeant d’extraordinaires artistes talentueux et passionnés qui utilisent leur travail afin de refléter la diversité culturelle du continent, beauté naturelle et longue histoire. Bien que les espaces d’exposition formelle restent limités dans de nombreux pays africains, il y a un nombre croissant de galeries d’art indépendantes exceptionnel sur tout le continent, promotion et présentant le meilleur de l’art contemporain africain. Nous explorons dix de ces galeries et offrir une promotion offre spéciale unique de l’une des meilleures galeries en Ouganda.

Une sélection d’oeuvres de la Galerie de Afriart
Une sélection d’oeuvres de la Galerie de Afriart
Galerie Afriart, Kampala, Ouganda

Une galerie d’art contemporain leader dans le pays d’Afrique de l’est de l’Ouganda, la Galerie de Afriart expose une sélection d’art Ouganda et africaine. Représentant des artistes bien établis et montantes, l’intérieur de la Galerie est rempli de belles peintures et sculptures et a présenté des artistes les bien connus comme Edison Mugalu et Paulo Akiiki. Régulièrement exposant les oeuvres de différents artistes, Afriart est devenu un point de convergence entre l’artistique communautaire à Kampala du bourgeonnement scène artistique. La galerie contient art consulting services et gère une boutique d’artisanat vendant des livres d’art, céramiques, statues, tissus traditionnels, localement vêtements conçus et recyclé verrerie. Installé dans un bâtiment de deux étages rouge bien visible, la Galerie de Afriart est difficile à manquer.
Offre spéciale : Les lecteurs de Culture voyage peuvent jouissent d’une remise de 5 % sur les oeuvres de Afriart Gallery (voir des exemples d’oeuvres ci-dessus).
Pour demander cette offre spéciale ici par courriel avec le sujet « Afriart Gallery » et avec votre nom dans le corps de l’email et nous vous enverrons un code promotionnel unique qui peut être racheté par la Galerie Afriart.
Galerie Afriart, Block 56, Kenneth Dale Drive, Kampala, Ouganda, 0414375455 + (256)

Galerie de Afriart
Galerie de Afriart ©
Galerie Goodman, Johannesburg et Cape Town, South Africa

La Galerie de Goodman est à l’avant-garde de l’art contemporain en Afrique du Sud, présentant des artistes et jeunes talents créatifs d’Afrique du Sud et le reste du continent africain, mais aussi des artistes internationaux qui décrivent le contexte africain par l’intermédiaire de leur oeuvre. Avec une philosophie de développement de talent artistique et la conscience culturelle, la Galerie met l’accent sur l’oeuvre faisant état des enjeux sociopolitiques de l’Afrique du Sud. Depuis sa création en 1966, la Galerie a était rapide par ses principes et a encouragé tous les artistes de présenter leur travail malgré les lois strictes de course pendant l’apartheid. La Galerie représente aujourd’hui environ 40 artistes d’Afrique du Sud et d’Afrique y compris William Kentridge, artiste conceptuel Kendell Geers et photographe David Goldblatt.
Goodman Gallery, 163 Avenue de Jan Smuts, Parkwood, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, (+ 27) 11 788 1113 ; Fairweather House (3e étage), 176 Sir Lowry Rd, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa, (+ 27) 21 462 7573

Goodman Gallery
© Goodman Gallery
Galerie du premier étage, Harare, Zimbabwe

Le premier étage Galerie Harare est la première galerie contemporaine indépendante gérée par des artistes émergents au Zimbabwe. Fondé en 2009, la Galerie est située dans le centre-ville animé d’intérieur de Harare. Présentant l’oeuvre des artistes zimbabwéens montantes et prometteuses, la Galerie prend en charge leur développement professionnel en travers des auditoires les et internationaux de plus en plus leur exposition, facilitant les classes et ateliers d’art et agissant comme un espace expérimental interactif. Le premier étage galerie accueille un certain nombre d’intéressantes expositions tout au long de l’année, mettant en vedette des artistes locaux tels que Moffat Takadiwa, Wycliffe Mundopa et Mavis theulier, et au cours des dernières années est devenu un lieu important pour les beaux-arts, cinéma, événements de poésie et de musique.
Premier étage Galerie, mercure maison, 24, Avenue George Silundika, Harare (Zimbabwe) (263) 4 251 502

Premier étage Galerie Harare
© Premier étage Galerie Harare
Galerie d’Art de la colline de la banane, Nairobi, Kenya

Un joyau de l’art vrai situé à la périphérie de Nairobi, le Banana Hill Art Gallery présente une superbe sélection de belles œuvres d’art contemporain africain et a présenté plus de 70 artistes et sculpteurs principalement du Kenya et d’Afrique orientale Galerie affiche une variété de peintures magnifiques et vibrantes et quelques sculptures illustrant un éventail de sujets, particulièrement bien capté à travers l’interprétation personnelle de chaque artiste, reflétant la vie quotidienne dans les villes et les zones rurales, art, traditions culturelles et du Kenya la faune riche et paysages abstraits. Vision de la Galerie fondée par Shine Tani, un artiste génial, lui-même, doit parvenir l’exposition d’artistes africains et de favoriser l’appréciation d’art dans la région.
Galerie d’Art de colline banane, banane Raini Road, Nairobi (Kenya) (+ 254) 711 756 911
Galerie d’Art de Banana Hill
© Banana Hill Art Gallery

Zoma Contemporary Art Centre, Addis-Abeba, Éthiopie

Créé par un des ori la plupart de l’Éthiopie

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