1st Afrika
Properties and Real Estate

Eko Atlantic Africa Most Beautify Commercial And Residential Town of All Times Underway // La Plupart De l’Afrique Atlantique Eko Embellir La Ville Commerciale Et Résidentielle De Tous Temps En Cours


5,000,000 square metres dedication ceremony

5,000,000 square metres dedication ceremony led by His Excellency President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and former U.S. President Bill Clinton

First bridge foundations for Eko Atlantic

eko atlantic bridge

Eko Atlantic will have 15 bridges. The first bridge is located over Avenue 1 where Downtown will meet the Business District

The Great Wall of Lagos extends beyond 4 kilometres

eko atlantic business views


Eko Atlantic’s sea revetment passes the halfway stage of construction. It will be 8 kilometres in total when finished.

Eko Atlantic’s first buildings under way

Storm drainage pipes are laid in Eko Atlantic, April, 2013

These two buildings will be the first office and residential complexes in Eko Atlantic. One is a 15 story office tower for the oil sector and the other is the first of 5 residential towers being constructed.

Eko Atlantic: A View from Space

Eko atlantic view Nigeria_GeoEye-1_50cm_WGS84_UTM31N_whole-eith

EkoAtlantic seen from the IKONOS satellite. Eko Boulevard which lies at the heart of the Business District and which has a centrepiece roundabout at the northern end of the landmass is clearly visible, along with large areas of infrastructure works and construction.

Construction of Buildings


Eko Pearl Towers – five-tower luxury apartment project. Foundations and concrete casting for basement parking completed. Piling foundations for the first tower commenced. Afren plc commercial tower with 15 levels well under way.

Eko Atlantic Waterway


Arrival of sheet piles for the first section of Eko Atlantic’s waterway. Driving of the first piles started.

Paving and Kerbing of Eko Boulevard


Pre-cast interlocking concrete paving blocks have been laid on Eko Boulevard stretching over 420 metres.Kerb stones are laid along the edges of the road.



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