A destroyed house in Ahy Badr in the town of Mizdah in the Nafusa mountains in Libya after tribal conflict in March 2013. Photo: IRIN/Jorge Vitoria Rubio
According to the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Mr. Leon met with Nouri Abu Sahmein in the framework of “intense consultations” being held by the Mission to create an environment conducive to the proposed Libya-owned dialogue, which aim to explore ways to identify and agree on mechanisms for the monitoring and implementation of a ceasefire.
The dialogue’s primary objective will be to reach agreement on the management of the remainder of the transitional period, until such time that a new permanent constitution is adopted. In particular, discussions will focus on finding consensual solutions to the on-going institutional crisis in the country.
“Decisions should be taken by the Libyans after a wide debate, for which the new dialogue session will only be a first gathering. A process should start and the participants in this dialogue should have the opportunity to consult further with their constituencies before decisions are taken,” an UNSMIL statement said.
“It is envisaged that these proposals can form the basis for further discussions and consultations outside the immediate framework of the proposed dialogue, and if deemed acceptable to the relevant constituencies, form the basis of a comprehensive political agreement,” the statement continued.
UNSMIL has undertaken intense consultations with all major stakeholders to create an atmosphere conducive to agreement and the aim is for the dialogue to provide a forum for the country’s political parties and tribal forces, as well as leaders of armed groups, to discuss consensus solutions to the violence.
Throughout those consultations, UNSMIL has stressed the fact that its role will be limited to facilitation of the proposed dialogue and to ensuring a positive and constructive environment in order to reach consensus as early as possible.
“UNSMIL’s facilitation of the proposed dialogue is undertaken on the firm understanding that the dialogue process itself and its outcomes will remain Libyan-owned, and will in no way prejudice the Mission’s own absolute commitment to Libya’s sovereignty and independence,” the Mission’s statement read, refuting media allegations about “purported leaked documents or agreements relating to the outcomes of the proposed dialogue.”
The Mission also stressed that no conditions would be attached to the dialogue, and that the talks remain the most viable and effective means of addressing with a view to ending the deepening political polarization and raging military hostilities. A spirit of compromise and consensus will be key to ensuring a successful dialogue that lays the ground for a stable and secure Libya.
“Des décisions devraient être prises par les Libyens après un largedébat, pour lequel la nouvelle session de dialogue ne sera unpremier rassemblement. Un processus doit commencer et lesparticipants à ce dialogue devraient avoir la possibilité deconsulter davantage avec leurs administrés avant la prise, “indiqueun communiqué de UNSMIL.
« Il est prévu que ces propositions peuvent servir de base à lapoursuite des discussions et des consultations en dehors du cadreimmédiat du dialogue proposé et si jugé acceptable pour lesmandants pertinents, forment la base d’un accord politiqueglobal, » poursuit l’instruction.
UNSMIL a entrepris d’intenses consultations avec toutes lesprincipales parties prenantes pour créer une atmosphère propiceà l’accord et le but est que le dialogue de fournir un forum pourdu pays partis politiques et forces tribales, ainsi que les dirigeantsdes groupes armés, afin de discuter des solutions de consensus àla violence.
Tout au long de ces consultations, UNSMIL a insisté sur le fait queson rôle se limitera à la facilitation du dialogue proposé et àassurer un environnement positif et constructif afin de parvenir àun consensus dès que possible.
« Facilitation de l’UNSMIL du dialogue proposé est entrepriseferme étant entendu que le processus de dialogue proprement ditet ses résultats seront restent appartenant à des Libyens et serapréjuge en rien l’engagement absolu de la Mission à lasouveraineté de la Libye et de l’indépendance, » énoncé de laMission lire, réfutant les allégations de médias sur « censémentdivulgation de documents ou d’accords relatifs aux résultats dudialogue proposé. »
La Mission a également souligné qu’aucune condition ne seraitattachée au dialogue, et que les pourparlers restent le moyen leplus viable et efficace d’aborder en vue de mettre fin à lapolarisation politique croissante et la rage des hostilités militaires.Un esprit de compromis et de consensus sera essentielle pourassurer un dialogue réussi qui jette les bases d’une Libye stable etsûre.