Recycling startups TrashCash was judged to be the winner of the North African leg of the AMPION Venture Bus in Tunisia over the weekend, for its smart bin for used cans that offers mobile credit in return for the collector.
Disrupt Africa has reported on the three previous buses, with carpooling marketplace Jambo Car winning the East African leg, water contamination solution e-Maji winning in Southern Africa, and HaltEbola emerging the winner from the West African version.
Seven teams were formed on the final bus in Tunisia, with TrashCash eventually emerging the winner ahead of competition from travel itinerary app XTails, online citizen engagement platform Citizen+, donations platform Infinity Funds, project-funding matching platform Yelaah, smart medical device EMdetect, and patient-doctor matching service GeoTbibi.
The bus initially departed the Tunisian capital Tunis, returning five days later after making stops in Kairouan, Tozeur, Gabes and Sfax.
Perturber Afrique a signalé sur les trois dernières en bus, avecmarché de covoiturage voiture Jambo remportant la jambe del’Afrique de l’est, de l’eau contamination solution e-Maji gagnanten Afrique australe et HaltEbola émergeant de la gagnante de laversion d’Afrique de l’Ouest.
Sept équipes ont été formées dans le dernier bus en Tunisie, avecTrashCash finalement émergents le vainqueur devant laconcurrence de voyage itinéraire app XTails, la plateforme del’engagement citoyen en ligne Citizen +, dons plateforme Infinityfonds, financement de projet plate-forme correspondant Yelaah,dispositifs médicaux intelligents EMdetect et patient-médecincorrespondant service GeoTbibi.
Au départ, le bus a quitté la capitale tunisienne, Tunis, renvoyercinq jours plus tard, après il s’arrête à Kairouan, Tozeur, Gabès etSfax.