1st Afrika

Kerry Calls For Comprehensive Global Effort To Combat Violent Extremism // Kerry Appelle A Un Effort Global Global Lutter Contre L’extrémisme Violent

kerry Youth


Photos ; US. Embassy, Abuja . Nigeria


The United States Secretary of State, Sec. Kerry, having met with the president of Nigeria, President Ebele Goodluck Jonathan and the opposition party presidential flag-bearer Gen. Buhari, on the readiness and preparations that the government of Nigeria is making towards the upcoming election Feb. 14, 2015, believes the people of Nigeria and the world can have faith in the government of Nigeria.


His goal for the visit is to maintain the philosophy of America’s influence on democratic institution across the globe and to encourage the political gladiators on the conduct of peaceful elections that are credible, accountable and transparent. He believes much is expected from Nigeria being the most populous black nation in the world and the giant of Africa, therefore, stresses that the government must take critical steps to stem out any act of violence and extremist among all parties.

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“So I came here today to deliver a very simple message, and I met with both major candidates in order to underscore that the international community is paying very close attention to this election and that the international community is deeply committed to working with Nigerians going forward with the hopes that they will have an election that is free of violence and capable of instilling confidence in the future.

I was at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this weekend where I delivered a speech about the need for a long-term, comprehensive global effort to combat violent extremism, and to address the underlying causes before that extremism takes root. The unfortunate truth is that Nigerians know as well as anyone how desperately that kind of effort is needed. Day after day, the group that calls itself Boko Haram continues to kill scores of innocent civilians and attack villages and military installations in places like Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa states.


The United States condemns these attacks which have escalated in recent weeks. And we extend our deepest condolences to the thousands of families that have been impacted, and we deeply regret the toll that this violence has taken on the Nigerian people.

We will absolutely continue to support the Nigerian military in its fight against Boko Haram. And as I said in Davos, all of us must work together to advance a strategy that will not only stop groups like Boko Haram, Daesh, and al-Qaida, but that will address the environment from which these groups emerge.

We were very happy to see the Government of Niger host a regional security ministerial meeting last week to discuss how to better coordinate counterterrorism efforts. This is exactly the kind of thing that I suggested is necessary in the comments that I made a couple of days ago. It is very important that the world cooperate more in helping countries where they want to and where they don’t the full capacity to be able to step up and take on lawless terrorist entities.

That is precisely why President Obama has announced that next month in Washington we will host an international summit on combatting violent extremism around the world. It will be held at the WH and at the State Department, it will be at the ministerial, and we hope to bring people together who have been engaged in these fights against the Boko Harams and other entities so we can share best practices, so that we could hear from people about what they need and what they think is necessary in order to be able to summon an even stronger global response.

The fact is that one of the best ways to fight back against Boko Haram and similar groups is by protecting the peaceful, credible, and transparent elections that are essential to any thriving democracy, and certainly, essential to the largest democracy in Africa. It’s imperative that these elections happen on time as scheduled, and that they are an improvement over past elections, and they need to set a new standard for this democracy. That means that Nigerians have to not only reject violence but they have to actually promote peace.
I met with President Jonathan earlier today and separately with General Buhari, and I was encouraged to hear once again from both men that this is exactly what they intend to do to try to press for an election that can be held with the credibility the people of Nigeria want and deserve. As President Jonathan said in his New Year’s message, none of our political ambitions is worth the blood of any of our countrymen, women, and children. And as General Buhari recently tweeted, electoral violence is unacceptable, and every Nigerian life is sacred. Both candidates have also signed on to the so-called Abuja Accord, which commits them to running exclusively issue-based campaigns, refraining from violence before and during and after election day, and speaking out against any violence that does emerge.

These are commitments that we need to see from everyone and they are commitments that need to be kept. Many people are stepping up. For example, Chairman Jega and the thousands of independent national election commission employees are taking concrete steps in order to guarantee that this election is successful. We also urge all of Nigeria’s governors to call for peaceful democratic engagement among their residents, and we ask all parties and all candidates to do the same.

And I would say to everybody that no matter what the outcome, if you have a question, if you have a doubt, if there is someplace where issues may have arisen, it is absolutely vital that whatever differences may exist be resolved through legitimate channels, through the legal channels, which are fundamental to the democratic process. And I urge all of Nigeria’s candidates to do what is best for their country no matter the outcome on election day.

I want to emphasize that for the United States, Nigeria is an increasingly important strategic partner. Nigeria has a critical role to play in the security and prosperity of this continent and beyond. We are committed to helping the electoral process succeed, and last week we sent an electoral security advisor in order to support INEC’s efforts to advise on security concerns and to help develop a risk mapping tool to prepare for any violence that might emerge.

So let me be clear: Anyone who participates in, plans, or calls for widespread or systematic violence against the civilian population must be held accountable, including by ineligibility for an American visa. Violence has no place in democratic elections, and I can guarantee you that the perpetrators of such violence would not be welcome in the United States of America. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation and one of the world’s largest democracies. It is blessed with some of the planet’s most valuable and abundant natural resources. Conducting accountable, credible, peaceful elections will help put the Nigerian people on a path to prosperity and regional leadership that is needed in order to address a wide range of challenges in this part of the world, including, obviously, violent extremism.

With this election, Nigeria has an opportunity to put an indelible stamp on the kind of future that Africa wants to see and most importantly that Nigeria wants and deserves. I want to reiterate what President Obama recently said, that he, I, and the American people stand with you as Nigeria’s great democratic exercise unfolds. And we stand ready to work with the Government of Nigeria, the Nigerian people, and whomever they elect next month continue – to continue building on the important partnership that we share” – Sec. Kerry

FRENCH VERSIONkerry and Buhari

La Secrétaire d’état des États-Unis, sec. Kerry, après avoirrencontré le Président du Nigeria, le Président Ebele GoodluckJonathan et l’opposition parti présidentiel porte-drapeau généralBuhari, sur l’état de préparation et de préparations que legouvernement nigérian se déploie vers la prochaine élection 14 février 2015, estime que la population du Nigeria et du mondepeut avoir foi dans le gouvernement du Nigéria.

Son but de lavisite est de maintenir la philosophie de l’influence de l’Amériquesur l’institution démocratique dans le monde entier etd’encourager les gladiateurs politiques sur la tenue d’électionspacifiques qui sont crédibles, transparentes et responsables. Ilcroit Qu’on attend beaucoup de la Nigeria étant la nation noire laplus populeuse dans le monde et le géant de l’Afrique, c’est pourquoi, souligne que le gouvernement doit prendre desmesures essentielles d’enrayer à tout acte de violence etextrémiste parmi toutes les parties.
“Si je suis venu ici aujourd’hui pour livrer un message très simple,et j’ai rencontré les deux principaux candidats afin de soulignerque la communauté internationale est très très attentif à cetteélection et que la communauté internationale est profondémentengagé à collaborer avec les Nigérians va en avant avec l’espoirqu’ils auront une élection qui est exempte de violence et capablede susciter la confiance dans l’avenir.
J’étais au Forum économique mondial de Davos plus tôt ceweek-end j’ai prononcé un discours sur la nécessité d’uneffort global à long terme et complète pour lutter contrel’extrémisme violent et s’attaquer aux causes sous-jacentes avantque l’extrémisme ne prenne racine. La malheureuse vérité est quenigérians savent aussi bien que quiconque commentdésespérément que le genre d’effort est nécessaire. Jour aprèsjour, le groupe qui s’appelle Boko Haram continue de tuer desdizaines de civils innocents et des villages d’attaque et desinstallations militaires dans des endroits comme les États deBorno, Yobe et Adamawa.
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Les États-Unis condamnent cesattaques qui se sont intensifiés ces dernières semaines. Et nousétendons nos plus sincères condoléances aux milliers de famillesqui ont été touchées, et nous regrettons profondément le bilanque cette violence a pris le peuple nigérian. Absolument, nousallons continuer à soutenir les militaires nigérians dans sa luttecontre Boko Haram. Et comme j’ai dit à Davos, nous tous doiventtravailler ensemble pour faire avancer une stratégie qui n’arrêterapas seulement des groupes tels que Boko Haram, Daesh et al-Qaïda, mais qui portera sur l’environnement d’où ces groupesémergent.
Nous étions très heureux de voir le gouvernement nigérien àhéberger une sécurité régionale réunion ministérielle la semainedernière pour discuter des moyens de mieux coordonner lesefforts de lutte contre le terrorisme. C’est exactement le genre dechose que j’ai proposé est nécessaire dans les commentaires quej’ai fait une couple de jours. Il est très important que le mondecoopérer davantage pour aider les pays ils veulent et ilsn’ont pas la pleine capacité pour en intensifier et prendre sur lesentités terroristes sans foi ni loi.
C’est précisément pourquoi le président Obama a annoncé quele mois prochain à Washington, nous allons accueillir un sommetinternational sur la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent dans lemonde entier. Il aura lieu à l’hypothèse de travail et audépartement d’Etat, il sera à la réunion ministérielle et nousespérons pouvoir rassembler les gens qui ont été engagés dansces combats contre le Boko Harams et d’autres entités afin quenous puissions partager les meilleures pratiques, afin que nousentendions des gens sur ce qu’ils ont besoin et ce qu’ils pensentest nécessaire afin d’être capable d’invoquer une ripostemondiale encore plus forte.
Le fait est que l’une des meilleures façons de se battre contreBoko Haram et des groupes similaires est en protégeant lesélections pacifiques, crédibles et transparentes qui sontessentielles à toute démocratie prospère et certainement,essentiel à la plus grande démocratie en Afrique. Il est impératifque ces élections se produisent à l’heure comme prévu, et qu’ilssont une amélioration au cours des dernières élections, et ils ontbesoin pour établir une nouvelle norme pour cette démocratie.Cela signifie que nigérians ont non seulement rejeter la violence,mais ils ont en fait promouvoir la paix.
J’ai rencontré avec le Président Jonathan plus tôt aujourd’hui etséparément avec le général Buhari, et j’ai été encouragéd’entendre une fois de plus de deux hommes que c’estexactement ce qu’ils entendent faire pour essayer de fairepression pour une élection pourrait avoir lieu avec la crédibilitéau peuple du Nigeria veulent et méritent. Comme le PrésidentJonathan a dit dans le message de son nouvel an, aucun de nosambitions politiques vaut le sang de le quelconque de noscompatriotes, femmes et enfants. Et comme général Buhari ontrécemment twitté, violence électorale est inacceptable, et chaquevie nigériane est sacrée. Les deux candidats ont également signépour le soi-disant Accord d’Abuja, qui les engage à descampagnes en cours d’exécution exclusivement axée sur laquestion, en s’abstenant de violence avant et pendant et après lejour du scrutin et prononçant contre toute violence qui émerger.
Voici les engagements que nous avons besoin de voir de tout le monde et ils sont les engagements qui doivent être maintenues.Beaucoup de gens est st

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