Freed from jail on Monday, the sons of deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, are said to have visited their father in the military hospital where he is still in detention.
The release of Alaa and Gamal Mubarak, pending their retrial in a corruption case, was ordered by a court last week.
They left prison a day after the violent fourth anniversary of the uprising that ended their father’s long rule.
Hosni Mubarak himself could also soon walk free as he currently has no convictions against him.
Many Egyptians say the Mubarak era enriched an elite that included his sons but neglected millions of poor. In Cairo, reaction to the brothers’ release was mixed.
“ “I think Gamal and Alaa made some mistakes but at the end of the day we have to abide by the rule of the judiciary,” said local resident Khaled Mohamed Khalaf.
“I think this is a shock and a failure for the revolution,” said fellow Cairo dweller Samia Sadek, adding that she does not understand why they were freed now.
The timing could indeed fuel tensions, coming just after anti-government protesters clashed with security forces on the fourth anniversary of Egypt’s revolution. At least 25 people were killed, according to some reports. Hundreds were arrested.
Critics accuse elected President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi – the latest man from the military to rule Egypt – of returning the country to authoritarian rule, allegations the government denies.
Un tribunal a ordonné la libération de Alaa et Gamal Mubarak,dans l’attente de leur procès dans une affaire de corruption, lasemaine dernière.
Ils ont quitté la prison un jour après le quatrième anniversaire del’insurrection qui a pris fin le long règne de leur père violent.
Hosni Mubarak lui-même pouvait marcher aussi bientôt libre telqu’il n’a actuellement aucune condamnation contre lui.
Beaucoup d’Egyptiens dit que l’ère Mubarak enrichi une élite quiinclus ses fils mais négligé des millions de pauvres. Au Caire,réaction à la libération des frères a été mélangée.
“” Je pense que Gamal et Alaa commis quelques erreurs, mais à lafin de la journée, il faut respecter la règle de la magistrature,”ditlocal résident Khaled Mohamed Khalaf.
« Je pense que c’est un choc et un échec pour la révolution, » a déclaré le camarade habitant du Caire Samia Sadek, ajoutantqu’elle ne comprend pas pourquoi ils ont été libérés aujourd’hui.
Les critiques accusent élu Président Abdel Fattah al-Sisi–le dernierhomme de l’armée pour gouverner l’Égypte – du retour du paysà régime autoritaire, allégations, le gouvernement nie.