Today we will talk about a woman’s cave. Even though every space in the house belongs to the women in that house; we have come to realise that we also need that me time and can be well spent in privacy far from the living room or the bedroom, but in a room specially designed for that moment-which we will call woman’s cave. This is a place that offers women a sanctuary within their own homes to do things they love; it is not an indulgent space ““ but a functional, restorative place where the woman who nurtures everyone else goes to nurture herself.
Nurturing the people we love is an act of joy, and it comes naturally for most women-but at the end of the day, we need a place to retreat to, where we can relax, restore and recharge ourselves, just as we had to give ourselves permission to carve out ‘me time’ to take care of ourselves, we are also giving ourselves permission to have a me space too!
The woman’s cave needs to be a place where a woman can truly relax and recharge. It’s the place where the woman can stake out as a place to call her own, filled with pretty things she loves to look at, where she can do the activities that she loves, whether it’s crafting, blogging, reading, knitting, yoga ““ or any other interesting activity for that matter.
Just like the man cave; the woman’s cave should be painted in girly colours and furnished with interesting furniture. In this case bright colours like pink, fuschia, cream and red rule the day.
A TV is must, because girls love watching romantic movies and Mexican soap operas. Beautiful seats should not miss in this room. Small rugs should be placed strategically where they can set the trend of the room at the same time serve the purpose they are meant for.
The woman’s cave can also have some functionality like that of the man cave. For example in this era, a computer is must have item at home for the sake of communication. So a little desk on a corner ready with a computer and a small home printer can do the trick to serve as a small office where bills can be sorted out.
Family pictures in this case are a must, because it is the joy of every woman to show off her family. These can be hanged on the wall, on the desk, on a small side table or anywhere that the woman feels will fit. This is a place that all things girly should feature; ottomans, chaise lounges, flower vases, beautiful curtains e.t.c
Woman’s cave is about carving out an area for doing a favourite hobby, spending time with friends, or just getting away from it all for a few quality moments. Just imagine a home with a man and woman’s cave-simply divine!