Conflict in the North-East of Nigeria has escalated in recent months with more than 1.2 million internally displaced persons (IDP) in need of humanitarian assistance as of 4 March 2015, as registered by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). In addition, some 168,000 refugees, returnees and stranded migrants have fled to neighboring countries to seek safety from the violence and inter-communal violence in North Central Nigeria continues to have a humanitarian impact
1.2 million Estimated internally displaced people by conflict and inter-communal violence as of 04 March 2015
168,000 People fled to neighbouring countries including refugees, returnees and stranded migrants as 20 Feb.2015
20 humanitarian actors, including the United Nations, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and International NGOs and the National Emergency Management Agency are responding to the humanitarian needs in the three states under recurrent Boko Haram attacks and the surrounding states in the North-east.
The most urgent needs of people affected by the conflict include protection, shelter, food and access to education and health services for both displaced persons and host communities remains
1.2 million personnes d’estimé déplacées par les conflits et lesviolences intercommunautaires en date du 4 mars 2015
168 000 personnes ont fui vers les pays voisins, y compris lesréfugiés, les rapatriés et les migrants échoués comme Feb.201520
20 acteurs humanitaires, y compris les Nations Unies, lemouvement du Croissant Rouge et des ONG internationales et laNational Emergency Management Agency répondent auxbesoins humanitaires dans les trois États sous les attaquesrécurrentes de Boko Haram et les États environnants dans lenord-est.
Les besoins les plus urgents des personnes touchées par leconflit incluent la protection, abris, nourriture et accès auxservices d’éducation et de santé pour les personnes déplacées etles vestiges de communautés hôtes
Bureau pour la Coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU :