IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today announced an investment in MM Integrated Steel Mills Mozambique to
support local industrial development and the regional growth of MMI’s Tanzanian-based parent company Motisun Group. The project will manufacture high quality galvanized, color coated roofing sheets and related products used in low-cost housing projects. The plant is based at Special Economic Zone Nacala Port, Mozambique MMI Steel will be the first roofing sheet manufacturing plant in Mozambique with integrated facilities from cold rolling to profiling. The company will locally manufacture high quality products for the housing sector in Mozambique, where such materials are mostly imported. MMI Steel’s plant, which has been approved by Gazeda and Bank of Mozambique, is expected to create over 250 new jobs.
Subhash Patel, founder and Chairman of Motisun Group, said “Mozambique is a fast-growing market that will require local building materials to meet expanding housing needs. Our integrated facilities at Nacala will enable us to provide customized roofing sheets of various thickness, color and sizes at much competitive price. IFC is an important partner to help the Motisun
Group grow into a significant regional player,”
Motisun has manufacturing operations in Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, and distributes to 10 more countries in Africa. The Group has plans to expand into Ghana to serve countries in West Africa.
We are committed to helping strong African companies grow outside their home markets.”
Motisun commenced business in 1990s, starting with induction furnace, rolling and profiling of corrugated roofing sheets. In 1992, it opened its first manufacturing facility in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, which now has a pickling, cold rolling, galvanizing, profiling, color coating and welded pipe manufacturing lines. The plant also has scrap melting and billet casting facilities.
Motisun set up manufacturing facilities in Zambia in 2010 and Uganda in 2012 and today has cumulative rolling capacity of 192,000 tons spread across the three countries. Three quarters of Motisun’s revenue comes from its steel operations. The group also has interests in other industries such as beverages, paints, plastics and hospitalities.

Subhash Patel, fondateur et Président du groupe de Motisun, dit“le Mozambique est un marché en pleine expansion quinécessitera des matériaux de construction locaux pour répondreà élargir les besoins de logement. Nos installations intégrées àNacala nous permettra de fournir des feuilles de toiture sur mesure de différentes épaisseur, couleur et tailles à des prixnettement concurrentiel. La SFI est un partenaire important pouraider à la Motisun
Groupe de devenir un acteur régional important »
Motisun a la fabrication des opérations en Tanzanie, l’Ougandaet la Zambie et distribue ses produits à 10 nouveaux pays enAfrique. Le groupe a l’intention d’étendre au Ghana pourdesservir les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest.
IFC Country Manager Jumoke Jagun-Dokunmu a dit, « SFI vise àaider les investisseurs qui peuvent créer des emplois et favoriserle développement de l’industrie au Mozambique.
Affaires Motisun a commencé dans les années 1990, à partir defour à induction, laminage et profilage des tôles de toitureondulée. En 1992, il a ouvert sa première usine de fabrication àDar es-salaam, en Tanzanie, qui a maintenant un décapage,laminage à froid, galvanisation, profilage, enduit de couleur etdes tuyaux soudés, lignes de fabrication. L’usine a aussi billettesinstallations de coulée et ferrailles fonte.
Motisun mis en place des installations en Zambie en 2010 et enOuganda en 2012 de fabrication et aujourd’hui a la capacité delaminage cumulative de 192 000 tonnes réparties sur les troispays. Trois quarts des revenus de Motisun vient de sesopérations en acier. Le groupe possède également des intérêtsdans d’autres industries telles que les boissons, les peintures, lesplastiques et les loges.