1st Afrika

Unilever Promise Shareholders of Better Returns // Actionnaires De Unilever Promesse De Meilleurs Rendements

Nnaemeka-Alfred-Achebe-700x479Unilever Plc has assured shareholders that the company would continue to explore new business opportunities that would enabthem survive unfavorable business environment and accelerate company’s growth.

The Chairman of the company, Nnaemeka Achebe stated this during the bank’s 90th yearly general meeting of the company in Lagos yesterday.

Achebe noted that the tough business decision taken by the company during the year under Unilever review has positioned to thrive amid harsh operating environment.

He pointed out that the business decision would enable the firm to record significant improvement in all areas of the business, while assuring shareholders that the firm would generate maximum returns to shareholders in the next financial year.

He explained that the 2015 financial year would be daunting but, however assured that the firm would continue to leverage on technology and innovation to transform customers experience and accelerate the growth of the company.

“The tough business decisions taken in 2014 have evolved a Unilever Nigeria Plc that is better placed to thrive within the ever increasing volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous operating business environment we have to contend with. Deliberate refocus on route to market, consumer needs and aspirations, product quality, capacity expansion and zero business waste are already producing a studier business model which enables us to grow sustainably into the future.

 “The performance trend from the last quarter of the year signifies definite progress towards realizing our growth ambitions ands making the business more competitive. Our ambitions is to continue to deliver value to all stakeholders and positively affect our communities.

“The short term impact of our deliberate transformation action is a 7 per cent decline in revenue , an operating margin of 8 per cent and a drop in earnings per share from N1.25kobo to N0.64kobo. In the medium to long term however, we anticipate an upward trend in all critical, parameters.” He assured.

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