
UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Representative Alvaro Rodriguez (R) and UNHCR Country Representative Joyce Mends-Cole (L) handing over domestic kits to one of the Burundian refugees in Nyarugusu Camp.
About 30,000 Congolese refugees will be relocated from the refugees’ camps in Tanzania to the United States of America this year as part of a regional resettlement strategy.
UN Resident Coordinator Alvaro Rodriguez, told The Guardian in Nyarugusu Refugees Camp in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region recently when he visited the area to assess the developing of the Burundian refugees situation.
Rodriguez who was accompanied by the Minister for Home Affairs Mathias Chikawe, UNHCR Representative and the Director for Refugee Services says 30,000 Congolese refugees, who are among the 60,000 refugees, will be taken to the US this year.
During their visit, the delegation was shown the crowded conditions in the present camp and the regional authorities advised him of the need to move the new Burundian refugees to another site.
Migunga Hills was selected and has been a subject of discussion between Home Affairs Minister and the UNHCR Representative.
About 34,804 refugees have been evacuated from Kagunga, with 898 having walked on the ‘trail’ and the rest transported by boats. Lake Tanganyika Stadium has also largely been evacuated, with only 14 refugees remaining, as their relatives are either in the hospital or being treated in the Stadium.
All refugees will be transferred to Nyarugusu camp once family members are discharged from hospital care.
Total number of Burundian refugees reported to be in Tanzania including those not yet registered is 49,935.
Priorities: Relocation of refugees to safety from border areas, life-saving emergency protection and assistance interventions including in the sectors of registration, shelter, domestic items, food, water, sanitation, hygiene and health.
Other priorities are identification and protection of children including family tracing, family reunification and alternative care arrangements for unaccompanied and separated children.
As part of preparedness, UNHCR has been able to secure a location three kilometers along the Kagunga stretch to serve as reception facility for Burundian refugees.
The location can accommodate mass shelters to host more than 3,000 persons. The assessment team validated the location as having good water supply, enough space to construct WASH facilities, and being less than half a kilometer from Kagunga dispensary.
Additionally, there is sufficient storage and a building which could serve as UNHCR Field monitoring post in Kagunga.
In Nyarugusu, tensions are increasing between the Congolese refugees (who were here before the present influx) and the new Burundian refugees. The Congolese refugees feel that they are receiving less services and attention than the newly arrived refugees.
In order to defuse the tension, it was agreed that transparent communication with all refugees on services and distributions should be increased, to ensure that the Congolese refugees receive the same items as the Burundian refugees.
The operation is exploring the possibility of appealing for more resources to ensure equal treatment and securing the services of a peace building NGO.
Five patients are presently at the MSF Belgium cholera treatment centre in Kagunga. All are Tanzanians from Kagunga and have been confirmed as having Cholera. MSF Belgium continues to raise awareness on Cholera in Kagunga.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of cholera cases have dropped significantly mainly due to proper cholera management, use of standard case definition for cholera and omission of false Cholera cases. It has been noted that some refugees used ‘survival tactics’ to receive ORS or preference in getting on to the ferry by feigning sickness.
WHO’s actions are focusing on strengthening surveillance, data management, preparedness and response, quality of case management, laboratory and training of health workers.
Cholera vaccines have arrived in the country. MSF Switzerland has expressed its willingness to vaccinate the refugees in Kagunga and Nyarugusu free of charge.
They have written to the government of Tanzania and are awaiting for response. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has made arrangements for shipment of nets and medicines in the coming week to supplement existing supplies for prevention/management of other non-Cholera related diseases of concern like Malaria, respiratory tract infections.
UNICEF has supported the refugee response in Kigoma with two specialist staff (WASH and Communication for Development).
UNICEF has also facilitated the deployment of two staff from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) to support the refugee response. UNICEF has distributed water containers, soaps, water treatment tabs, buckets and jerry cans to 2,626 refugee families in Kagunga since the beginning of the influx.
UNICEF has also supported UNHCR with water storage containers in Nyarugusu Camp. Most of the support items distributed were received from UNICEF Burundi.
UNICEF has trained 20 Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) volunteers on cholera prevention and in collaboration with other WASH partners conducted an induction to the refugee community leadership on the issue of their roles in hygiene promotion and social mobilisation.
UNICEF is in the process of printing 1,400 sets of information, education and communication (IEC) materials in Kirundi for hygiene promotion amongst refugees.
The WASH assessment team comprising UNHCR, Oxfam and UNHCR partner TWESA have conducted an assessment on WASH host community projects. In light of the impact of refugees on host community resources, UNHCR has been advocating for and will be involved in supporting host community projects. Oxfam is assessing number of latrines to be constructed for the host community in Kagunga.
A shelter technical team was sent to Kagunga1 to assess the new reception site. The site can accommodate 3,200 individuals; 16 mass shelters, two kitchens and WASH facilities.
For the new reception centre in Kagunga 1, the WASH assessment team verified that there is sufficient water from the existing network from the spring, some 800 metres upstream of the village, with a reservoir of 250 cubic metres approximately.
Extension of network will be implemented to fix six Oxfam tap stands (6 x 6 taps). TWESA will start the implementation of six block latrines (3 for men, 3 for women) and move the WASH equipment left in Kagunga (old site) to the new site.
OXFAM and TWESA will be in charge of water and sanitation meanwhile IRC will implement hygiene promotion in the village.
The Tanzanian government has proposed that an area called Migunga hills, adjacent to Nyarugusu, be the new camp site. UNHCR has expressed concerns, given the enormous difficulty to access the area, the propensity to flood, the proximity to Burundi and other issues. It is believed that developing Migunga hills could be exorbitant.
An estimated budget will be ready by 08 June 2015. The UNHCR Representative has had further discussions with MHA on the possibility of using a previous camp – not Mtabila, as the government has said that it cannot be returned to UNHCR.
WFP has distributed 563 metric tonnes of food commodities to newly arrived Burundian refugees since the start of the crisis. High energy biscuits and dates are distributed to refugees in transit and for clinical use.
Wet feeding was provided by UNHCR and WFP implementing partners Caritas, to the last of the Burundian refugees uplifted from Kagunga and passing through Lake Tanganyika Stadium and to those in transit to Nyarugusu Camp.
At Nyarugusu, wet feeding is provided through UNHCR’s implementing partner, TWESA.
Once registered at Nyarugusu, refugees are provided with a two week dry food ration and thereafter incorporated in WFP’s monthly general food distribution and selective feeding programmes. WFP continues to preposition food at the Extended Delivery Point (EDP) at Nyarugusu Camp.
IOM has successfully facilitated the transportation of 23,535 refugees from six different points of arrival (Lake Tanganyika Stadium, Manyovu, Kibondo, Ngara, Kitanga and Kigadye) to Nyarugusu Camp, since UNHCR handed over land transportation to it. Furthermore, IOM has facilitated the ‘long walk to further safety’ for 898 Burundian refugees since the use of the ‘new’ trail was piloted on 17th May.
Although the Cholera outbreak has been contained, IOM continues to take the extra precautionary step of disinfecting all vehicles before and after transporting refugees. ‘Fitness to travel’ checks have also been implemented for those transported by IOM.
IOM with the assistance of local police, immigration officials and village authorities, has obtained the GPS coordinates of 18 locations where Burundian asylum seekers are reported to be staying in Tanzania. Some areas face issues related to road robbery and terrain which is not accessible by buses or vans, and contingency measures are being explored. The coordinates were immediately shared with transportation sector partners for planning and mapping.
IOM is collaborating with UNHCR Kigoma and local marine authorities to pick up Burundians who continue to enter Kagunga and need to be ferried to Kibirizi port in Kigoma after registration.
IOM continues to transport 30-40 people daily (who arrive via their own boat arrangements) from Kibirizi port in Kigoma to Manyovu Transit Centre.
IOM is also working with BBC Media Action in Tanzania to develop key messages for refugees on issues such as hygiene, cholera prevention and access to services. These messages, provided by the humanitarian partners from various sectors, will be played on the bus rides to the refugee camp.
WFP is the lead agency in logistics coordination which includes transportation of food and non-food items, warehousing and clearing and forwarding formalities. The first logistics sector meeting was conducted by WFP on 27th May. A logistics capacity assessment of the existing facility in Nyarugusu and the new site allocated by the government for extension of the camp is being conducted by WFP.
WFP and MSF are discussing the possibility of drawing upon WFP warehouses to provide short term storage of medical supplies and infusions for Cholera Treatment Centres in Nyarugusu Camp.
Coordinateur résident des Nations Unies et représentant du PNUD Alvaro Rodriguez (R) et le HCR pays représentant JoyceMotin-Cole (L) remise de kits de domestiques à l’un des réfugiésburundais dans le Camp de Nyarugusu.
Environ 30 000 réfugiés congolais seront transférés des campsdes réfugiés en Tanzanie dans les États-Unis cette année dans lecadre d’une stratégie régionale de réinstallation.
UN résident coordonnateur Alvaro Rodriguez, a déclaré auGuardian dans le Camp de réfugiés de Nyarugusu Kasulu district,région de Kigoma récemment quand il a visité la zone afind’évaluer le développement de la situation des réfugiésburundais.
Rodriguez, qui était accompagné par le ministre pour Accueilaffaires Mathias Chikawe, représentant du HCR et le directeur desServices aux réfugiés a écrit 30 000 réfugiés congolais, qui sontparmi les 60 000 réfugiés, seront prises aux États-Unis cetteannée.
Lors de leur visite, la délégation a montré l’entassement dans lecamp de présent et les autorités régionales l’a informé de lanécessité de déplacer les nouveaux réfugiés burundais vers un autre site.
Migunga Hills a été sélectionné et a fait l’objet d’une discussionentre le ministre de l’intérieur et le représentant du HCR.
Environ 34 804 réfugiés ont été évacués de Kagunga, avec 898avoir marché sur la randonnée et le reste transportés parbateaux. Lac Tanganyika Stadium a également en grande partieété évacué, avec seulement 14 réfugiés restant, car leurs parentssont à l’hôpital ou traités dans le stade.
Tous les réfugiés seront transférés au camp de Nyarugusu une fois que les membres de la famille sont dégagés de soinshospitaliers.
Nombre total de réfugiés burundais en Tanzanie, y compris ceuxnon encore enregistré est 49 935.
Priorités : La réinstallation des réfugiés et à la sécurité des zonesfrontalières, protection d’urgence vitale et des interventions desecours notamment dans les secteurs de l’enregistrement, abris,Articles ménagers, nourriture, eau, assainissement, hygiène etsanté.
D’autres priorités sont l’identification et la protection des enfants,y compris la recherche des familles, le regroupement familial etdes arrangements de soins alternatifs pour les enfants non accompagnés ou séparés.
Dans le cadre de la protection civile, le HCR a pu obtenir unemplacement trois kilomètres le long du tronçon de Kagungapour servir de structure d’accueil pour réfugiés burundais.
L’emplacement peut accueillir des abris collectifs pour accueillirplus de 3 000 personnes. L’équipe d’évaluation validél’emplacement comme ayant bon approvisionnement en eau,assez d’espace pour construire des installations de lavage et enmoins d’un demi-kilomètre de Kagunga dispensaire.
En outre, il y a stockage suffisant et un bâtiment qui pourraitservir de terrain du HCR suivi post à Kagunga.
À Nyarugusu, les tensions sont multiplient entre les réfugiéscongolais (qui étaient ici avant l’afflux actuel) et les nouveauxréfugiés burundais. Les réfugiés congolais se sentent qu’ilsreçoivent moins de services et de l’attention que les réfugiésnouvellement arrivés.
Afin de désamorcer la tension, il a été convenu qu’unecommunication transparente avec tous les réfugiés sur lesdistributions et les services devrait être accrue, pour s’assurer queles réfugiés congolais reçoivent les mêmes éléments que lesréfugiés burundais.
L’opération étudie la possibilité de faire appel des ressourcessupplémentaires pour assurer un traitement égal et assurer leconcours d’une ONG de consolidation de la paix.
Cinq patients est actuellement le centre de traitement de cholérade MSF Belgique en Kagunga. Tous sont des Tanzaniens deKagunga et ont été confirmés comme ayant le choléra. MSFBelgique continue à sensibiliser la population sur le choléra àKagunga.
Selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), le nombre decas de choléra ont diminué considérablement, principalement en raison de la gestion appropriée de choléra, de définition de casstandard choléra et omission de fausses cas de choléra. Il a éténoté que certains réfugiés utilisé « tactiques de survie » pourrecevoir des ORS ou préférence à obtenir sur le ferry en feignantla maladie.
QUI a actions mettent l’accent sur le renforcement desurveillance, gestion des données, préparation et réponse, qualitéde la gestion des dossiers, laboratoire et la formation destravailleurs de la santé.
Vaccins anticholériques sont arrivés dans le pays. MSF Suisse aexprimé sa volonté de vacciner les réfugiés de Kagunga etNyarugusu gratuitement.
Ils ont écrit au gouvernement de la Tanzanie et sont dans l’attente de la réponse. Le haut-commissaire des Nations Uniespour les réfugiés (HCR) a pris des dispositions pour l’expéditiondes moustiquaires et des médicaments dans la semaine qui vientcompléter les fournitures existantes pour la prévention et lagestion d’autres maladies connexes de choléra de préoccupationcomme la Malaria, les infections des voies respiratoires.
L’UNICEF a appuyé l’intervention de réfugiés à Kigoma avec deuxspécialistes (lavage et Communication pour le développement).