Most of those killed had taken refuge in the forecourt during a bout of torrential rain.
The country’s president has announced three days of mourning for those who have died.
Three days of mourning for 150 killed In Ghana
Ghana has announced three days of national mourning for 150 people killed in a giant explosion in a petrol station in capital city Accra, coupled with heavy flooding across the region.

The blast ripped through the station’s forecourt after a fire spread from a nearby lorry, killing 96 people who were sheltering beneath the awning from a sudden downpour.
Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama said dozens of others had also been killed in floods which have swept through the city due to a spell of torrential rain.
La plupart des personnes tuées avait trouvé refuge dans l’avant-cour durant un épisode de pluies torrentielles.
Le Président du pays a annoncé trois jours de deuil pour ceux quisont morts.
Trois jours de deuil pour 150 tués au Ghana
Ghana a annoncé trois jours de deuil national pour 150personnes ont été tuées dans une explosion géante dans unestation d’essence dans la capitale Accra, couplée à fortesinondations dans toute la région.
Forces de sécurité sur le site de l’explosion