1st Afrika

Nigeria Politics :100 DAYS OF PRESIDENT BUHARI


I think President Buhari is a man of his words according to his speech at chathamhouse in London. In all honesty he has fulfil 74% of his said promise in 100 days except ” free school meals for children, emergency public works for unemployed youth and pensions for the elderly” …..Buhari. “In the face of dwindling revenues, a good place to start the repositioning of Nigeria’s economy is to swiftly tackle two ills that have ballooned under the present administration: waste and corruption. And in doing this, I will, if elected, lead the way, with the force of personal example.

On corruption, there will be no confusion as to where I stand. Corruption will have no place and the corrupt will not be appointed into my administration. First and foremost, we will plug the holes in the budgetary process. Revenue producing entities such as NNPC and Customs and Excise will have one set of books only. Their revenues will be publicly disclosed and regularly audited. The institutions of state dedicated to fighting corruption will be given independence and prosecutorial authority without political interference.

But I must emphasise that any war waged on corruption should not be misconstrued as settling old scores or a witch-hunt. I’m running for President to lead Nigeria to prosperity and not adversity.

In reforming the economy, we will use savings that arise from blocking these leakages and the proceeds recovered from corruption to fund our party’s social investments programmes in education, health, and safety nets such as free school meals for children, emergency public works for unemployed youth and pensions for the elderly” …..Buhari

My take

I think the man is lost in dynamics of event that brought him to power , the reality of the past and governance of now is quite different. The ethnocultural insensitivity and the bias nature of Nigeria federal allocation system is much glaring and damaging in this government especially the gender bias approach of the government appointment into certain positions

I think this administration is bewildered with historical and generation change ! the question is; will they themselves allow change to guide their activities

In this leap of hope , I gave President Buhari 55% in his 100 days


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