CAIRO: Egyptian feature and short films will be screened in the Arab Film Festival to be held in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, California from Friday until Nov. 25.
Four Egyptian short films (“Helwan…Moi,” “Omnia,” “Le Suis le Peuple,” and “Diaries of a Flying Dog”) will be displayed several times during the festival.
“Aymmna al-Helwa,” classic movie starring the late actors Omar al-Sharif and Faten Hamama, will be also screened, according to the festival official website.
“Helwan …Moi,” a short film, documents how a city, southern Cairo, was devolved into a slum after once being an aristocratic areas for the Pashas. The film shows a man, the producer, whowants to escape from the fear and fighting.
The film depicts the hero’s “truth of Egypt from his personal perspective through Helwan,” producer Mohamed Adel El Safty told The Cairo Post Thursday
“My film depicts a reality in Egypt where many areas, particularity in Cairo and Giza, changed into slums,” he said.
The film will be screened Oct. 18 at Embarcadero Center Cinema, Oct. 24 at Shattuck Cinemas, and finally on Nov. 15 at Harmony Gold of San Francisco, he continued.
“Helwan …Moi” had previously been screened in the U.S.; it was displayed in December at the Parez Lorentz International Film Festival and in February at ht ecinema club of Videology in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, he said.
Twenty six countries are participating in the Arab Film Festival with 20 feature films and 27 short films.