1st Afrika



TEXT: Ezekiel 16:44

 Praise God, what He is doing in our midst is not done anywhere in the world!

Bless His holy name. Give Him glory.

The One who gave Naaman a brand new skin did it again for someone who has a fire accident.

Praise Him for all the mighty testimonies we had tonight. Think about the woman who God came through for.

Brethren, I want us to thank God for all the girls that have been released.

It takes the powerful hand of God to rescue girls from the jaws of lions.


  1. Father, every of the girls still in captivity, please bring them home soon
  2. Father, let the peace of my children be great. Isaiah 54:13-15
  3. Father, as for me and my children, keep terror far away from us.
  4. Father, anyone who gathers together against I and children, let them fall in Jesus’ name.
  5. Father, everyone who may be here tonight or listening, who may be considered barren; by this time next year, let them come with their children in Jesus’ name.
  6. Father, from tonight, let my days of glory begin.
  7. Let the days of my shame come to an end in Jesus’ name.

 Like Father, like son. Like Mother, like daughter. If the children are going to be blessed, we need to do something about the parents. John 8:44 James 1:17

Matthew 5:14 – If the Father is light, He begets light. The implication for this is that if the Father is darkness, he begets darkness.

Genesis 28:10-16 – If a Father is blessed, it will stream down to the son.

In the same light, if the Father is cursed, it streams down to the children – 2 Kings 5:20-27.

Even Science attests to what the African elders knew long ago about inherent traits in the son which he got from his Father.

This was why African elders recommend verification before marriage.

I pity this generation who wants to marry based on facebook alone.

If your parents are one of those that God calls wicked, then God means God will be angry with the parents – Psalms 27:25

What do you think will happen to the children whose parents God is angry with?

When parents belong to God, God will one way or the other settles the children.

Of course, some children refuse to walk in the blessed line in which their parents lay down for them. Make a choice tonight: do you want to remain in your sins and make God angry with you?

Or do you want to change and make God have mercy on you?

Parents, if not for yourselves, please surrender your lives to Jesus now if only for the sake of your children. Let Him remove every curse from you and your family.

If you are a child, let JESUS remove you from that line of curse: surrender to Him now. When you give your life to Jesus, you join the blessed family of God.

Our African Elders didn’t go to the University, but they were deep in knowledge. The child of a Conqueror should be a conqueror. The day an elephant is born, the size can’t be likened to the biggest of goats.

Your children will be bigger than their enemies in Jesus’ name. Whether the devil likes it or not, your children will be greater than you.

 Abraham was great, but Isaac was greater – Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 24:34-35, Genesis 26:12-14, 19-22.

Genesis 21:1-6 – Isaac conquered sorrow. In Jesus’ name, sorrow will become a stranger to you because of your children. Isaac was a child of multiplication. If God could do it for Isaac, He will do it for you.

Examples of Children Who Did Better Than Their Parents – 1. Isaac 2. Joshua 3. Samuel 4. David

Moses was great. No doubt about that – Exodus 14:1-28, Exodus 15:22-26, Exodus 17:1-6 tells of His exploits. Howbeit, Joshua was greater. Joshua 1:1-8

He fought in the valley when Moses was praying. Exodus 13:8-13

Joshua 6:1-20: He fell the wall of Jericho.Joshua 10:12-14 – He stopped the sun.

God used Joshua to fulfill Moses’ destiny.

Parents, I pray for you, God will fulfill your destiny because of your children.

 There is a promise God made concerning you and your family; even though it may not be fulfilled while you are here, it will be in your children

 1Samuel 1:11-20 – Samuel’s mother was a prayer warrior. She produced a Kingmaker. 1 Samuel 16:1-13. He was also a King remover. 1 Samuel 15:16-29

Samuel was a man of decree. Something special about Samuel; he was a prophet – 1Samuel 3:20-21

By : RCCG April 2018 Holy Ghost Service Pastor E.A Adeboye Powerful Sermon

The 4th Holy Ghost Service Of The Redeemed Christian Church Of God ‘RCCG’ In The Year 2018.

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