1st Afrika

Moon to Attend Biden’s Climate Summit

Moon to Attend Biden's Climate Summit

South Korean President Moon Jae-in will participate in a virtual climate summit to be hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday.

Moon will join dozens of other heads of state for the Leaders Summit on Climate set for Thursday and Friday, including the leaders of China and Russia.

President Moon will explain Seoul’s commitment to its climate action during a session to be held for two hours from 9 p.m. Thursday, Korea time.

The president is also expected to explain plans to achieve the national 2050 carbon neutrality goal and to request global support for the second P4G summit on green growth and sustainable development, which is set to take place in Seoul next month.

Presidential spokesperson Park Kyung-mee said that Moon’s participation is expected to serve as an opportunity for Seoul and Washington to enhance their partnership on the climate issue and solidify Seoul’s position as a leading nation in the international campaign to tackle the problem.

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