14.4 C
New York
October 16, 2024
1st Afrika
Africa International News

Tragedy at Sea: Dozens Dead, 61 Missing as Two Boats Sink Off Djibouti

In a devastating maritime disaster, two boats carrying dozens of people sank off the coast of Djibouti, leaving at least 27 dead and 61 missing. The boats, often used by migrants and refugees trying to flee conflicts or poverty in the region, were headed across the dangerous waters of the Gulf of Aden, a perilous route that has seen frequent disasters in recent years.

According to authorities, the boats capsized under harsh weather conditions in the early hours of the morning, leaving little chance for passengers to react. Rescue operations, spearheaded by the Djibouti coast guard and supported by international organizations, are ongoing, but rough seas are hampering the search efforts. Survivors describe a chaotic scene, with overcrowded boats struggling to navigate turbulent waters.

We saw people struggling to hold on to floating debris. It was horrific, said one survivor. The waves were so high, and people were crying for help.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has expressed deep concern over the incident. “This tragic loss of life highlights the urgent need for coordinated regional efforts to address the root causes of irregular migration and to ensure the safety of those undertaking these dangerous journeys,” an IOM spokesperson said.

Djibouti, located at the narrow point where the Red Sea meets the Gulf of Aden, is a crucial transit point for migrants and refugees, particularly those from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea. Many risk the journey in hopes of reaching the Arabian Peninsula for better opportunities, but they often face unsafe vessels, human traffickers, and harsh conditions.

Humanitarian organizations are calling for increased international aid and attention to prevent further tragedies. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the perilous journey many are forced to take in pursuit of safety and a better life.

Authorities are urging caution to others considering similar routes, as weather conditions are expected to remain dangerous in the coming days.

As search and rescue teams continue their operations, hopes are fading for finding more survivors. The lack of life-saving equipment on the boats and the overwhelming number of passengers have further complicated the situation. International agencies are appealing for immediate aid and resources to assist in the recovery and identification of victims.

The tragedy has sparked renewed calls for regional cooperation to combat human trafficking and to create safe migration pathways. Without such efforts, the cycle of desperate journeys and avoidable deaths is likely to continue.

For now, Djibouti and the wider international community mourn the lives lost in yet another maritime disaster, as they grapple with the challenges of protecting the vulnerable from such dangers.


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