At least 19 people have been killed and eight others injured when an eight-story building collapsed in Egypt’s Matariya district.
The collapse was caused by unauthorised construction of several extra stories on the old building.
A preliminary inspection of the site by prosecutors showed the owner had added two extra floor to the building without permission, and the second floor was undergoing renovation at the time of the collapse, Ahram online reported.
Both these factors could have contributed to the collapse, the report quoted prosecutors as saying.
Building collapses are common in Egypt due to illegal extensions and failure to adopt construction guidelines.
Autour de quatre bâtiments environnants, près de la structure effondrée ont étéévacués. Les équipes de secours étaient à la recherche d’autres survivants piégés sousles décombres, une source officielle a déclaré mardi.
Ces deux facteurs pourraient avoir contribué à l’effondrement, le rapport cité disantprocureurs.
Bâtiment effondrements sont fréquents en Egypte causée par les extensions illégaleset d’adopter des directives de construction.