1st Afrika

Africans And Holiday shopping , Trending And Style of High-End Luxury // Africains Et Magasinage, Une Tendance Et Style De Luxe Haut De Gamme


“I know that mony coming/ I can feel it in my soul/ Yeah, we be popping bottles/ From Jozi to Lagos/ I’m out here trying to get/ The rands and the nairas/ Rands and the nairas …” 

So goes the unabashed anthem by Nigerian rapper Emmanuel Nwankwo, known by his stage name Emmy Gee, to consumption in two of Africa’s biggest economies. Despite the rand struggling to break free of the R11 to $1 chokehold, the rands — and the nairas — are rapidly being accumulated and just as rapidly being spent by Africans.

With the continent witnessing unprecedented growth and an impressive increase in high net worth individuals — Africa is home to about 165000 dollar millionaires, according to analysts at New World Wealth, with 49000 of them in South Africa alone, and 15700 in Nigeria — luxury brands are increasingly looking towards countries like South Africa, Nigeria, Angola and Kenya to liven up sales figures that have become flattened by the economic downturn in Europe and the slowdown in spending in China.

Nigerians are touted as the world’s largest consumers of champagne, as well as the fastest-growing market for private planes, and in Angola the cost of living is so high that US$3500 gets you a standard one-bedroom flat in a nice neighbourhood in Luanda. According to An Hodgson, an income and expenditure manager at international business intelligence research firm Euromonitor: “Sub-Saharan Africa has been experiencing solid economic expansion, with real gross domestic product growth averaging 5.5% per year over the past decade. The continent’s impressive strides in growth, in stark contrast with sub-Saharan Africa of the early 1990s, have given rise to the narrative of ‘Africa Rising’ and captured the attention of global businesses.” Sub-Saharan Africa seems a particularly attractive option to brands, Hodgson continues, especially when considered against the backdrop of prolonged weakness in the global economy since the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, because “it offers a relatively empty marketplace with untapped opportunities and an alternative growth avenue to companies struggling to expand in developed markets”.

Statistics show that between 2008 and 2013 total consumer expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa grew by 17.6% in real terms to reach US$908-billion above the global average growth rate of 11.3% over the same period. Similarly, Deloitte has released figures showing a combined contribution of 19% to global luxury by emerging markets (including Africa) and forecasted growth to 25% by 2025.

Visual merchandising at Burberry, Hyde Park Corner

Fazel Surtees, managing director of the Surtee Group, a major luxury retail player in South Africa whose portfolio of fashion brands include Burberry, Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Paul Smith, Lacoste and Versace, among others noted: “It can be seen that growth will be consistent, either from local spenders when the economy is strong, or by tourists taking advantage of travelling to this destination when the economy is weaker.”
Surtees expressed satisfaction with how the local luxury market has been growing in the region. The Surtees Group has been particularly aggressive in expanding its portfolio, with its newest brands recently unveiled at Hyde Park shopping centre’s new fashion court wing. The company’s growth, he explained, “has been dependent on the strengthening South African economy following the apartheid era, as well as the resultant urbanisation and increased affluence throughout the region”.

Echoing Hodgson, he added: “From the brands’ perspective, over the past 20 years, each has seen an increasingly valuable opportunity in investing in South Africa, seen as an untapped emerging market full of potential and uncluttered by international players.” South Africa also attracts well-heeled tourists, he said, “international shoppers who tend to choose South Africa over other countries due to the unique brand offering”. The company’s aggressive expansion is a response to the growing demand for luxury brands in both South Africa and greater Africa. “We have had to respond just as rapidly, to remain competitive in the increasingly saturated marketplace.” Edcon, South Africa’s largest non-food retailer, with a market share of the South African clothing and footwear market nearly twice that of the nearest competitor, has been adding brands to its stable, often by forming strategic partnerships with other brands such Topshop and Mango. It recently acquired franchise rights to open Calvin Klein stores in the country.

The first Calvin Klein boutique debuts in Cape Town’s V&A Waterfront and will carry various ranges such as jeans, underwear, sportswear and accessories, as well as watches and fragrances for men and women. Edcon chief executive Jürgen Schreiber said in a statement that the launch of Calvin Klein stores in South Africa was part of its strategy “to be the destination for international brands and fashionable on-trend merchandise for aspirational South African consumers”. Destination shopping has become the new buzzword in South African retail, which in recent years has seen existing malls expand and upgrade their properties to create attractive new spaces for international luxury brands.

TopShop holiday campaign featuring Cara Delevingne

The V&A Waterfront pioneered this with its Platinum Mile wing, and Sandton City has begun to develop what it calls the Diamond Walk, in a bid to create “an ultra-exclusive shopping experience for its discerning shoppers”. The Diamond Walk will span the existing retail space where the likes of Cartier and Louis Vuitton are situated. It will be extended to the Sandton City entrance to the Sandton Sun. The Diamond Walk will house 11 stores. Sandton City undertook an ambitious expansion in 2011 when it unveiled its Protea Court Wing, with Zara and Topshop among its anchor tenants. Although Zara and Topshop are recognised overseas as affordable fast-fashion brands, in South Africa they are touted as upmarket labels.

Positioning itself as “the Grande Dame of South African retail”, Hyde Park Corner, already home to Burberry, Wolford and multi-brand luxury boutiques such as Apsley House, A2, Callaghan, Studio 8 and Luminance, last month launched a new section, the Fashion Court, which houses the South African flagship stores of Longchamp, Jigsaw, Versace and Emporio Armani, all new to the country. Another flagship slated to open soon is the Edgars Cosmetics Gallery, a new concept store offering a range of high-end cosmetics catering to the needs of beauty-conscious shoppers. Peter Prinsloo, chief executive of Hyprop, the owner and developer of Hyde Park Corner, said the presence of these exclusive global brands “further underpin Hyde Park Corner’s exclusive fashion offering and reputation as the luxury shopping destination of choice”.

Suitsupply in Hyde Park

Suitsupply, an international menswear specialist label from Holland, is another new player in South African. It chose to do things differently on the local retail scene. It eschewed the mall setting for a posh villa in Hyde Park to provide a luxurious, exclusive, yet intimate shopping experience. Fokke de Jong, Suitsupply’s chief executive, described the African customer as informed. “They understand luxury, as in they understand the inherent quality of products — unlike what you might have seen some years ago in some emerging Asian markets where customers were simply associating luxury with big labels.
“The African consumer has a natural feeling for high-quality garments and is a consumer that is curious about learning more.”

Tania Habimana, general manager for Suitsupply in South Africa and the head of the brand’s African expansion department, said there was a difference in consumers’ idea of service. “The African luxury consumer is a consumer that has been, for centuries, accustomed to very tailored shopping experiences, up until recently, when a more Western model of retailing appeared. Before that, it was all custom-made and personalised garments or products purchased from abroad, which translates into a consumer that demands and appreciates high levels of service and attention.”

With the rands and the nairas flowing, it would seem that the African luxury consumer spends enough to keep these brands afloat. As Surtees explained, the ultra-luxury brands “are not dependent on the volume consumer, but rather thrive off well-established individuals who are more resistant to economic downturns and less price-sensitive.”


Bierger et Mikkkelsen

“Je sais que venue de mony / je peux le sentir dans mon âme /Oui, nous soyons popping bouteilles / de Jozi à Lagos / je suis icipour essayer d’obtenir / les rands et le Naira / Rands et le Naira
Ainsi va l’hymne éhontée de rappeur nigérian EmmanuelNwankwo, connu sous son nom de scène Emmy Gee, à laconsommation dans deux des plus grandes économies de l’Afrique. Malgré le rand, qui luttent pour se libérer de la R11 àchokehold $1, les rands et le Naira sont accumulerapidement et tout aussi rapidement dépensé par les africains.


Avec le continent, témoins de la croissance sans précédent et uneaugmentation impressionnante de particuliers fortunés Afriqueest abrite quelque millionnaires 165000 dollar, selon les analystesrichesses du nouveau monde, avec 49000 d’entre eux en Afriquedu Sud seulement et le Nigeria en 15700 marques de luxecherchent de plus en plus vers des pays comme l’Afrique du Sud,Nigeria, Angola et Kenya pour égayer les chiffres de ventes quiont devenu aplaties par le ralentissement économique en Europeet le ralentissement des dépenses de la Chine.


Nigérians sont vantés comme plus du monde grandsconsommateurs de champagne, ainsi que le marché plus rapidedes avions privés, et en Angola, le coût de la vie est si élevéqu’US$ 3500 vous obtient une norme une chambre appartementdans un quartier agréable à Luanda. Selon le directeur AnHodgson, un revenu et des dépenses à l’intelligence d’affairesinternationales de la recherche Euromonitor ferme: “l’Afriquesubsaharienne a connu une expansion économique solide, avecune croissance de produit intérieur brut réel avec une moyennede 5,5 % par an ces dix dernières années. Progrèsimpressionnants du continent en croissance, en fort contrasteavec l’Afrique subsaharienne au début des années 1990, ontdonné lieu à la narration de « Africa Rising » et attiré l’attentiond’entreprises internationales.” L’Afrique subsaharienne semble uneoption particulièrement attrayante pour les marques, Hodgsoncontinue, surtout lorsque considéré comme toile de fond unefaiblesse prolongée de l’économie mondiale depuis la crisefinancière mondiale de 2008-2009, parce que “elle offre unmarché relativement vide avec des occasions inexploitées ainsiqu’un moyen de croissance alternatifs aux compagnies du mal àse développer dans les marchés développés”.

Les statistiques montrent qu’entre 2008 et 2013, les dépensestotales des consommateurs en Afrique subsaharienne a augmentéde 17,6 % en termes réels pour atteindre US$ 908 milliards au-dessus du taux global de croissance moyenne de 11,3 % sur lamême période. De même, Deloitte a publié des chiffres montrantune contribution combinée de 19 % au global luxe par lesmarchés émergents (y compris l’Afrique) et prévisions decroissance de 25 % d’ici à 2025.

Fazel Surtees, directeur général du groupe Surtee, un joueur dedétail majeur de luxe en Afrique du Sud, dont le portefeuille demarques de mode comprennent Burberry, Giorgio Armani, HugoBoss, Paul Smith, Lacoste et Versace, entre autres fait remarquer:« On voit que la croissance sera conforme, soit de dépensierslocales lorsque l’économie est forte, soit par les touristes enprofitant des voyages vers cette destination, lorsque l’économieest plus faible. »

Surtees dit satisfait de la façon dont le marché local de luxe aconnu une croissance dans la région. Le groupe Surtees a étéparticulièrement agressif à élargir son portefeuille, avec sesmarques plus récents vient de dévoiler à la nouvelle aile de Courde mode du Hyde Park shopping centre. Croissance de l’entreprise, a-t-il expliqué, « a été tributaire de l’économie sud-africaine renforcement après l’ère de l’apartheid, ainsi quel’urbanisation qui en résulte et augmenté la richesse dans toute larégion ».

Faisant écho à Hodgson, il a ajouté: « Du point de vue desmarques, au cours des 20 dernières années, chacun a vu uneoccasion de plus en plus précieuse dans l’investissement enAfrique du Sud, considéré comme de nouveaux inexploité pleinede potentiel et non encombrée par les acteurs internationaux dumarché. » Afrique du Sud attire également les touristes aisés, dit-il, “acheteurs internationaux qui ont tendance à choisir l’Afriquedu Sud sur les autres pays en raison de l’offre de la marqueunique”. Expansion agressive de la société est une réponse à lademande croissante pour des marques de luxe en Afrique du Sudet en Afrique plus grande. « Nous avons eu à répondre tout aussirapidement, afin de rester compétitif sur le marché de plus en plussaturé ». Edcon, Afrique du Sud non alimentaires détaillant, avecune part de marché du sud-africain vêtements et chaussuresmarché presque deux fois plus que le concurrent le plus proche, aajouté de marques à son écurie, souvent en formant despartenariats stratégiques avec d’autres marques telles Topshop etmangue. Il a récemment acquis les droits de franchise pour ouvrirdes magasins Calvin Klein dans le pays.

Les débuts de boutique Calvin Klein première V & A Waterfrontdu Cap et transportent différentes gammes telles que des jeans,sous-vêtements, vêtements de sport et accessoires, ainsi quemontres et parfums pour hommes et femmes. Edcon directeurgénéral que Jürgen Schreiber a déclaré dans un communiqué quele lancement de Calvin Klein stocke en Afrique du Sud faisaitpartie de sa stratégie d’être la destination pour les marquesinternationales et des marchandises sur la tendance à la modeambitieuxsud


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