1st Afrika

Morocco Launches 303 Fully-Funded Scholarships for African Youths

 Morocco’s Ministry of Higher Education announced on Monday the kick-start of “the Moroccan Scholarships for African Youths” program destined for African students wishing to pursue higher education in the country.

Under the scholarships, Morocco aims to support African countries by providing training to their future elites in cooperation with public and private universities.

The Ministry of Higher Education is offering 303 fully-funded scholarships across 119 specialties. African students in Morocco will also benefit from social advantages.

The list of partner universities across Morocco involves the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (60 scholarships), Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (40 scholarships), the International University of Agadir-Universiapolis (38 scholarships), Mohammed VI Polytechnical University of Ben Guerir (30 scholarships), and Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences in Casablanca (25 scholarships).

Other universities also engaged in offering scholarships to African students include the Abulcasis International of Health Sciences in Rabat (20 scholarships), International University of Casablanca (UIC), International University of Rabat (UIR), the Private University of Fez (20 scholarships), the Private University of Marrakech (20 scholarships), and the Mundiapolis University of Casablanca (10 scholarships).

African students can now access the website of the university of their choice to learn about the details of the offered scholarships and submit their applications.

The scholarships come in line with King Mohammed VI’s royal instructions as part of developing the South-South cooperation with African countries.

The program is also part of the implementation of Morocco’s plan within the Ministry of Education’s Framework Law 51-17 to establish itself as a continental and regional hub for higher education and scientific research.

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